Editor Dr. R. V. Bhole ‘Ravichandram’ Survey No-101/1, Plot, No-23, Mundada Nagar, Jalgaon (M.S.) 425102 Email: rbhole1965@gmail.com Mob: +91-9325665856 EDITORIAL BOARD Nguyen Kim Anh [Hanoi] Virtnam Prof. Andrew Cherepanow Detroit, Michigan [USA] Prof. S. N. Bharambe Jalgaon[M.S] Dr. R. K. Narkhede Nanded [M.S] Prof. B. P. Mishra, Aizawal [Mizoram] Prin. L. N. Varma Raipur [C. G.] Dr. C. V. Rajeshwari Pottikona [ AP] Prof. R. J. Varma Bhavnagar [Guj] Dr. D. D. Sharma Shimla [H.P.] Dr. Abhinandan Nagraj Benglore[Karanataka] Dr. VenuTrivedi Indore[M.P.] Dr. Chitra Ramanan Navi ,Mumbai[M.S] Dr. S. T. Bhukan Khiroda[M.S] Prin. A. S. KolheBhalod [M.S] Prof.Kaveri Dabholkar Bilaspur [C.G] Published by-Chief Editor, Dr. R. V. Bhole, (Maharashtra) The Editors shall not be responsible for originality and thought expressed in the papers. The author shall be solely held responsible for the originality and thoughts expressed in their papers. © All rights reserved with the Editors |
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